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The Difference Between 5th Wheel Hitch and Travel Trailers

The Difference Between 5th Wheel Hitch and Travel Trailers

Additional space, an extension installed on the towing vehicle, the capacity to receive compelling torque and force, and multifunctional use. These features describe several kinds of vehicles that serve similar duties, including 5th wheel hitches and travel trailers. Notably, these extra vehicles are often used in place of or in reference to each other because they are both used for towing. However, a close examination of their mechanisms and usage areas indicates that they differ in many particular ways that make them advantageous in their own way or vice versa. In this article, we will discover these differences by exploring the unique properties of the fifth-wheel hitch and travel trailers. Read the article all the way through and decide which one is best for you!

Before focusing on the particular characteristics of each, let us get familiarized with these vehicles first. Fifth-wheel trailers weigh a lot and need to be towed by a full-size, one-ton (heavy duty) truck. Their hitch demands that the coupling be in the truck's bed. A sizable solid plate with a horseshoe-shaped design serves as the fifth-wheel hitch. The pickup truck's frame is directly secured to the entire assembly. On the other hand, the most popular kind of non-motorized RV is the travel trailer. You have undoubtedly seen one being towed behind a car or pickup and pulled down the highway. All shapes and sizes of travel trailers are available, from tiny jellybean-shaped units with chuckwagon kitchens in the back to enormous houses-on-wheels with picture windows and sliding glass patio doors.

5th Wheel or Travel Trailer?

Easy Towing Capability: 5th wheels are typically simpler to tow than smaller travel trailers like teardrops. This is because of the kingpin hitch, which pulls the load forward into the truck bed, and the design of the fifth wheel. Instead of a conventional trailer hitch behind the rear bumper, the position of the truck's rear axle greatly improves handling and maneuverability.

Similar to how semi-tractors can tow trailer loads that are much heavier than the tractor itself, 5th wheel RVs have better driving qualities while being much larger and heavier than travel trailers.

Safety and Stability: Because of how they are built differently from travel trailers, fifth wheels are typically less likely to experience wobble. Once more, the weight distribution is important in this situation. With a fifth wheel, the vehicle pulling the rig has more weight evenly distributed between its axles. Because of the shift in mass's center of gravity, the fifth wheel is more stable when being towed.

Despite the fact that fifth wheels are still capable of swaying or even rolling over, the weight distribution when towing a fifth wheel does result in a higher level of security and stability.

Multiple Sections for Accommodation: The bedroom is sometimes located "upstairs" in the front section of 5th wheels, which extends out over the truck bed. Depending on the floor layout, this level might also be an open living area.

Therefore, 5th wheels frequently have two distinct levels of living space, with stairs leading up to the upper level. Some more recent floorplans even include a "upstairs" beneath the fifth wheel at the back, adding further storage space.

Affordability: Travel trailers come in a wide range of brands, models, and sizes, many of them are on the more affordable end of the price spectrum. Fifth wheels are generally more expensive than travel trailers since they are more substantial, tall, heavy, and well-equipped. Although there are always exceptions to the norm, in general, 5th wheels are the more expensive of the two types of RVs we're reviewing.

The Towing Vehicle: Many travel trailers may be hauled by a considerably larger variety of cars, depending on their size and weight. For instance, a minivan or an SUV can tow some small, lightweight travel trailers.

On the other hand, most fifth wheels are huge, tall, and hefty. They need to be towed by a large vehicle as a result. In addition, the kingpin-style hitch that is the distinguishing feature of every fifth wheel requires the usage of a pickup truck for towing regardless of size or weight. While some smaller 5th wheels can be towed by a half-ton truck, the majority of models are too hefty to be pulled by a vehicle that size. For safe towing, those will need at least a three-quarter ton truck. Additionally, the largest fifth wheels might be very massive, necessitating even more power from the towing truck. Naturally, before choosing a vehicle and fifth wheel combination, you should research its specs.

The function of the Truck Bed: Whether you're camping or not, a 5th wheel will fill up your truck bed. The bed-mounted hitch and the RV's overhang occupy the whole truck bed while a fifth wheel is being towed. Unless you remove the hitch whenever you aren't camping, the hitch usually stays in the truck bed when you aren't camping. Therefore, the truck's bed isn't as useful even if you use it as your primary means of transportation when exploring. There are hitch systems that vanish, leaving the vehicle bed fully flat and empty. Naturally, they only permit complete use of the truck bed while the fifth wheel is not attached.

Tulga Fifth Wheel Hitch

Manoeuvre Capability: 5th wheels are typically easier to manoeuvre than similar-length travel trailers whether driving, turning, or backing the vehicle. Naturally, this isn't always the case with tiny travel trailers. However, when comparing huge, long travel trailers with fifth wheels, the fifth wheel would be more maneuverable. Once more, this is primarily because of where the two vehicles' connection point is located. Better handling and maneuverability result from moving that point forward (the distance from a conventional trailer hitch to the bed-mounted kingpin design).

On the take-off Roads: Travel trailers are typically simpler to tow off-road into far-flung locations if you like to boondock far from the usual route. While a fifth wheel normally improves road manners (mainly because of the hitch and where it is located), off-road manners can be noticeably worse. Large fifth wheels are less advantageous while off-road because they are taller (again, a problem with overhanging branches and side-to-side rocking), heavier, and larger.

Additional Carriage: As previously mentioned, travel trailers are the best option for packing a lot of adventure gear into your truck bed because a 5th wheel's hitch and overhang obstruct the space. Naturally, that is based on the fact that you tow your travel trailer behind a pickup truck, as many RVers do.

Triple Towing: 5th wheels are better suited for triple towing if it is permitted where you are, such as when towing a boat behind your towed RV. Triple towing utilizes the same hitch design and weight distribution that improve the handling of 5th wheels alone.

Heating: Fifth wheels tend to heat and cool less evenly than travel trailers because of their multi-level architecture. This increases the likelihood of hot and/or cold areas in fifth wheels.

Height Difference: Although there are undoubtedly lower, smaller variants, a fifth wheel is typically about 13 feet tall. There are fewer indoor storage alternatives for 5th wheels than there are for travel trailers because not all storage facilities can manage an RV that tall. The same restrictions that apply to larger rigs of all kinds can apply to owners of fifth wheels.

Easy Backup: Any form of trailer backing requires some practice. And while many will undoubtedly dispute this point, the majority of those who have driven both travel trailers and fifth wheels agree that fifth wheels back up more readily. The pivot point between the two vehicles has most likely been moved forward as a result.

However, there can be a drawback to towing a fifth wheel. In some situations and setups, cutting the wheel too far and "jacking" the RV too sharply to one side might result in the front corner of the fifth wheel colliding with the pickup truck's back window. In some rigs, it can also occur while moving forward, but due to the frequent maneuvering needed, backing up is the most likely scenario for that to occur. It's also the period when you'll probably be paying more attention to the surroundings of your entire rig than to how closely you're turning.

Not all truck and fifth wheel combinations carry this danger. However, if your vehicle does, you must be mindful of the turning/angle restrictions that would prevent the RV from striking the back window. That is because the glass will undoubtedly break as a result. Alternative hitch solutions that can lessen or eliminate the threat might be something you want to think about.

Hotshot Trucking: Considering its relatively low cost and reduced size, the travel trailer would be more practical than the 5th wheel when it comes to hotshot trucking. As this business requires fast delivery and easy mobility, the fifth wheel’s maneuverability might seem preferable. However, the cost plays a significant role in the sustainability of the business. 


Here we have listed the primary distinguishing features of the two similar vehicles. Depending on your purpose and travel conditions, note each of the properties, advantages, and disadvantages of these before you purchase one.   

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